Project Difficulty:
I'm not going to lie, this project was extremely frustrating at times. Whether it was trouble removing springs on day 1 or struggling to get the steering linkage out for the rest of that weekend. And don't even get me started about the brake switch, but at the end of the day I was able to get everything back together without throwing in the towel. I was able to get the car aligned and everything seems to be working fine. I still need to put on new strut rods and bushings. The kit I had came with new bushings, but not strut rods. When I was at the alignment shop, they were also unable to get the bolts on the strut rod loose, so sometime of the next weeks I am going to replace the strut rods and bleed the brakes again.
Overall, due to the frustration and time I give this project a 4/5 angry cavemen

Driving Impressions:
This is where the project pays off. Once the car was aligned, it drives awesome. The new brakes are solid and the car no longer pulls to the right when you try to brake hard. The car also feels a lot more solid when driving. Bumps in the road no longer disrupt the balance of the car. The larger front sway bar and Koni shocks were a great upgrade and I really enjoy driving the car again. Even though there is still a little bit of play in the steering wheel (I suspect the steering box has some wear in it), the steering is more responsive as well. It feels good to get the car back out on the road and since there hasn't been rain in the forecast lately, I have been taking advantage of being able to drive the car around town.
I give the project a rewarding 5/5 happy cavemen. Everything worked the way it was supposed to and through all the cursing, sweat, and blood, I am now able to say I rebuilt the steering and suspension as well as upgrade to disc brakes.

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