Thursday, May 9, 2013


It's finally done, I re-upholstered my front seats:

All done and ready to go

I pulled the seats originally back in March when I started the stereo install.  There was a pretty nasty tear in the passenger side seats, so I got some new foam and upholstery from TMI.  CJ Pony Parts had a sale back in February, so I got them then.  Well March came, and April too, and I never found time to start the seats, so I put them back in the car because the weather was starting to get nice and I needed to drive the car.

The old seat upholstery, notice the tear in the passenger seat (top)

Fast forward to this week and no classes.  I thought I would be the cool guy that re-upholsters his own seats, and boy was I wrong.  Sure I was going off this CJ Pony Parts video making it look easy, but it was far from that.  I quickly learned I don't have the skill set for upholstery and I really didn't want my seats to look like some amateur hack put them together.

I ended up contacting a couple of local shops to see how much it would cost to complete the job.  I ended up taking them to Southtown Upholstery who did it for a pretty good price.  And quick too.  I took the seats there on Wednesday during my lunch break and they had them done by the end of the day Thursday.  I can't complain about that, not only was I able to put the seats back in the car today, but they look pretty good too.

New foam versus old foam.  Went with larger side bolsters for more support.

That pretty much closes out my winter/spring projects.  I still have to do the ignition system, but that is waiting until my buddy Greg comes and visits in late June.  Until them, hopefully this wet weather holds off for a couple of shows and what not.

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